京东家政招募10万保洁师 2025年业务将拓展至百城
The nature of the industry is such as to ease cyclical bumps. The majority of purchasers regards auto insurance as a necessity.
Industry advantages include lack of inventory, collection, labor and raw material problems. The hazard of product obsolescence and related equipment obsolescence is also absent.
The term “growth company” has been applied with abandon during the past few years to companies whose sales increases represented little more than inflation of prices and general easing of business competition.
Probably the biggest attraction of GEICO is the profit margin advantage it enjoys. The ratio of underwriting profit to premiums earned in 1949 was 27.5% for GEICO as compared to 3.7% for the 135 stock casualty and surety companies summarized by Best’s. As experience turned for the worse in 1950, Best’s aggregate’s profit margin dropped to 3.0% and GEICO’s dropped to 13.0%.
GEICO最大的吸引力也�S�碜造端�的利��率。1949年公司保�U利���c保�M收入的比率�� 27.5%,而 Best’s的135家事故保�U公司平均利��率�H��6.7%。1950年景�廪D差,Best’s�算的平均利��率降至3%,而GEICO降至18%。
At the end of 1950, the 10 members of the Board of Directors owned approximately one third of the outstanding stock.
At the present price of about eight times the earnings of 1950, a poor year for the industry, it appears that no price is being paid for the tremendous growth potential of the company.
以目前股�r�砜矗���前估值��1950年 (�a�I景�庠愀饽攴�) 盈利的8倍,看起�硗耆��]有反映公司巨大的成�L��力。